Discovery Phase With Farber Specialty Vehicles

10/23/2015 | Business Thoughts and Ideas

Switchbox is currently in the discovery phase with a new client, Farber Specialty Vehicles. Farber is a Custom Coach company located in Columbus, Ohio that has been building custom coaches for over 80 years. A large portion of their customers are in the health care field and their custom coaches are used as mobile health clinics, mammography, dentistry, and blood mobiles. We are very excited to have the opportunity to work with such a great company that provides services to our community in so many different ways! In addition, we have also been lucky to have met some of Farber’s amazing customers! Recently we sat down with The Dental Heath Outreach Mobile Experience (H.O.M.E. Coach) which allows access to dental care and education for Ohioans in need. Their Coach is staffed by fourth year Ohio State dentistry students who are faculty supervised. Additionally, their program provides treatment to approximately 2,000 children annually at Columbus City Schools during the school year. Having the H.O.M.E. coach members participate in our meeting allowed is to see how we could use technology to help educate children and adults on the importance of dental care. Currently, we are discovering ways in which would could help eliminate paperwork or permissions as well as send notifications to patients and vehicles to make their process is more efficient.

Although we are still researching the best solutions, it’s wonderful to think of ways in which we can help the customers of Farber function more efficiently through the use of our knowledge and experience. We look forward to continuing our research and provide solutions for the Farber team to help facilitate efficient and reliable services to their own clients.

For more information regarding Farber Specialty Vehicles visit